Originally Posted by: "Dom"
Precompiling the site has had little effect on display speed.
The homepage continues to take approx 20 seconds to load.
Are there any known issues with your software and the aspnet worker process? (IIS 6)
Precompiling solves a different problem. See below. I (not a BV Software employee) am not aware of any unique issues between BVC5 and the worker process. However there are several well-known techniques for tuning the performance of any ASP.NET application. Here are a few tips...
If the first time you load any page of the site takes a long time (but then every page loads quickly), then use a ping service (SmarterPing, PingDom, ...) to ping any one page of your site to keep the process active.
If the first time you load any page takes a long time (even if another page in the site has already been loaded), then use a ping service to ping the slowest pages *and* precompile the entire site.
If certain pages take a long time to load every time, then you will need to determine if the page takes a long time to calculate (i.e. retrieving data) or a long time to render. If it takes a long time to calculate then rewrite the logic so it does not take as long. If it takes a long time to render, then reduce the amount of HTML.
The 3 most effective ways to reduce the HTML are:
1. Reduce the number or size of the images on the page.
2. Reduce the size of the tables in the page.
3. Reduce the size of the Viewstate.