From what I understand, it isn't just a link back to the product page, it's actually a post-back so that you can edit the item in the cart and save the changes.
The existing link is actually implemented badly, since it's wrapping around DIVs; not a legal move in HTML. But anyway, the easiest way that I can see to do this is to just copy what's going on with the link button and turn the image into an
input using ASP:ImageButton.
Cart.aspx, find the ASP:Image:
Code:<asp:Image ID="imgProduct" runat="server" AlternateText="" />
And replace it with this ASP:ImageButton:
Code:<asp:ImageButton ID="imgProduct" runat="server" />
Now open
Cart.aspx.vb to something like line
143, which should be this:
Code:Dim img As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image = CType(e.Row.FindControl("imgProduct"), System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image)
Replace that line with this:
Code:Dim img As ImageButton = CType(e.Row.FindControl("imgProduct"), ImageButton)
Then it looks like we need to add the Command Name and Argument that the standard line item link is using, so find the following around line
Code:img.AlternateText = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(lineItem.AssociatedProduct.ImageFileSmallAlternateText)
And paste these lines below it:
Code:img.CommandName = "EditProduct"
img.CommandArgument = lineItem.Bvin
I'm sure there's a better way to do this (so please share if there is), but this is easy and seems to work. You also may need to restyle since it's now an input and not an img.