Posted by Aaron on August 25, 2013

BV Commerce 2013 fresh installation instructions

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The process of creating a fresh installation of BV Commerce 2013 is nearly identical to 5.X, though there is no Windows installer app like there was on the earlier versions of 5. Let's start with the system requirements, as this is the biggest area of change compared to prior versions. System RequirementsWindows Server 2003 or above (i.e. IIS 6 or above) .NET Framework 4.0 with Full Trust SQL Server 2005 or above with Full Text Search installedSQL Server Full Text Search The Full Text Search... [More]
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Categories: Documentation
Posted by Aaron on July 25, 2013

Test-drive BV Commerce 2013

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Take a test-drive of BV Commerce 2013! We’ve setup a Bike Shop demo store so you can play around in the admin and make whatever changes you wish. To log in, simply click the "Login" link in the upper-right corner and the username and password will automatically be filled in for you. Notice the green admin panel/bar now located at the bottom of the page; click the "Go To Admin" link on the right to try the new admin. The demo store is automatically reverted to a fresh copy hourly, on the ho... [More]
Categories: News
Posted by Aaron on March 29, 2013

BV Commerce 2013 release details

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It’s almost here! Our goal with BV Commerce 2013 was to quickly release a new version that added lots of new features and fixed a lot of bugs, while maintaining a simple and painless upgrade process. We will be releasing a beta version to BV partners next month with a public release date of May 31st August 30th. For pricing information and a special offer, please see the end of this post. BV Commerce 2013 feature list There are so many new features, enhancements, and bug fixes listed below... [More]
Categories: News
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