Posted by Aaron on May 30, 2024

UPS OAuth update

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Update: UPS has pushed back the date to August 5th, 2024 to give customers more time to complete the update.

UPS has implemented an OAuth 2.0 security model for their APIs to enhance overall security and reduce fraud.

If your BV Commerce store gets real-time shipping rates from UPS you must install this update before June 3, 2024 or your store will no longer receive UPS real-time shipping rates.

Which versions of BV Commerce are affected?

BV Commerce 2020 and below require this update. To determine which version of BV Commerce your store is running log into the admin area of your store and go to Options >> About. The About page will list the "Application Version" at the top of the page.

Which versions of BV Commerce does this update support?

BV Commerce 2017-2020 are supported by this update. If your store is running BV Commerce 2015 SP2 or below you must upgrade to a newer version of BV Commerce.

How Do I Get It?

If you have a current BV.NEXT plan you can download the update from the Downloads page of your account right now. If your BV.NEXT plan has expired you can renew it from the Downloads page.


Before installation follow our UPS OAuth API setup guide to get the necessary credentials from UPS. The final instructions in step "3. Copy/Paste the Client ID and Client Secret into BV Commerce admin" can only be completed once you've finished installing this update.

Installation is simple. Download "BV Commerce 2017-2020 UPS OAuth update" from the Downloads page of your account and unzip the file. You will see the following folders corresponding to which version of BV Commerce they are for:

  • BVC2017-2018SP1
  • BVC2020

Select the appropriate folder and copy the contents of the \www folder to the root of your BV Commerce website, overwriting the existing files. It is recommended that you first make a backup copy of the files on your website that will be overwritten so you have the ability to roll back the update in the event of a problem.

How Can I Get More Help?

As always, customers with a current BV.NEXT plan can open a support ticket with a guaranteed response time of 24 hours during the work week (Mon-Fri). If you would like the update to be installed for you please contact a BV Commerce Partner.

Categories: Documentation

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