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Add to Wishlist Not Redirecting when inside anthem:Panel
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Joined: 6/13/2005(UTC) Posts: 50
I've modified the BVC5 Product Template to include the button to Add To WishList. However, when I click on Add to WishList, the product is added to my WishList, but I am not redirected to my WishList page. However, when I switch the product to use the BVC2004 Product Template, clicking on Add to WishList redirects me to my WishList page.
This is my HTML code for BVC5 Product Template. I think the '<anthem:Panel ID="PricePanel" runat="server" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true">' may be obstructing the redirect.
<div id="ProductControls"> <anthem:Panel ID="PricePanel" runat="server" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true"> <table> <tr><td colspan="2" class="formlabelproductname"><h6><anthem:Label ID="lblName2" runat="server" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true"></anthem:Label></h6></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <span style="font-size:9px">SKU <anthem:Label ID="lblSku" runat="server" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true"></anthem:Label></span><br /></td></tr> <tr><td height="10px"></td></tr></table> <table id="Prices" > <tr id="trListPrice" runat="server"> <td class="formlabel"> <asp:Label ID="lblListPriceName" runat="server" CssClass="productpropertylabel listprice">List Price</asp:Label></td> <td class="formfield"> <anthem:Label ID="lblListPrice" runat="server" CssClass="listprice" Text="$x.xx" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true">$x.xx</anthem:Label></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="formlabel"> <asp:Label ID="lblSitePriceName" runat="server" CssClass="productpropertylabel siteprice">Your Price</asp:Label></td> <td class="formfield"> <anthem:Label ID="lblSitePrice" runat="server" CssClass="siteprice" Text="$x.xx" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true">$x.xx</anthem:Label></td> </tr> <tr id="trYouSave" runat="server"> <td class="formlabel"> <asp:Label ID="lblYouSaveLabel" runat="server" CssClass="productpropertylabel yousave">You Save</asp:Label></td> <td class="formfield"> <anthem:Label ID="lblYouSave" runat="server" CssClass="yousave" Text="$x.xx" AutoUpdateAfterCallBack="true">$x.xx</anthem:Label></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="formlabel"> <asp:Label ID="lblQuantity" runat="server" CssClass="productpropertylabel qty" Text="Qty:"></asp:Label></td> <td class="formfield"> <asp:TextBox ID="QuantityField" runat="server" Text="1" CssClass="forminput short"></asp:TextBox></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div id="actioncolumn"> <div id="actioncolumnpadding"> <uc3:VariantsDisplay ID="VariantsDisplay" runat="server" /> <div> <uc8:ProductTypeDisplay ID="ProductTypeDisplay1" runat="server"></uc8:ProductTypeDisplay> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div id="buttons"> <uc6:AddToCartButton ID="AddToCartButton1" runat="server" /> <anthem:Label ID="ItemAddedToCartLabel" runat="server" Visible="False" CssClass="AddedToCartMessage"></anthem:Label> <uc4:AddToWishlist ID="AddToWishlist1" runat="server" /> </div></td></tr> </table> </anthem:Panel> <uc7:VolumeDiscounts ID="VolumeDiscounts1" runat="server" /> </div>
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Joined: 11/5/2003(UTC) Posts: 2,136
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The version of Anthem in BVC5 requires a little custom code to handle redirects. In the Add to Wishlist button click handler, you will need to add code something like this: Code: If Anthem.Manager.IsCallBack Then
Anthem.Manager.Addscript[b][/b]ForClientSideEval("window.[b][/b]location = 'wishlist.aspx';");
End If
I made up the page name...I hope you can see what I mean. In the latest Anthem snapshot this is done automatically for you so all you need is the Response.Redirect(). Note that Anthem is a separate project from BVC5. You can read more about it here, |
Rank: Member
Joined: 6/13/2005(UTC) Posts: 50
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