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#1 Posted : 18 years ago

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Joined: 4/4/2004(UTC)
Posts: 670

order qty 1 of item

go to admin

cick edit order

click shipping

enter qty 1 in textbox

click ship items

now enter qty -1 in text box

click ship items

you now have 2 packages

suggested packages..............

this shows 3 identical suggested packages for 1 book


you cannot edit.

you cannot add tracking number later

this is totally unusable.

Scott Mech
#2 Posted : 18 years ago

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When you go to ship a package, you input the number of items to ship, the tracking number and the shipping method. Shipping a package is exactly what it sounds like, you actually shipped a package. It triggers a shipping e-mail to the customer and does a lot of back-end work. Once you ship a package, editing a tracking number on the package does not make sense. However, deleting a package out, will return items allowing you to resend another package with the same items and a different tracking number.

As far as the 3 identical suggested packages, we will look into this as it looks like it could be a bug.
Justin Etheredge
Senior Software Engineer
#3 Posted : 18 years ago

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a. why would the system add ANOTHER package if I ship a negative number? If zero items are shipped, how do I have a package.

b. Say the tracking number was miskeyed by an employee. how do you edit the tracking number on the package?

c. If I ship a package at USPS counter and employee returns with a tracking number in his hand, how do I add the tracking number?
do i delete the package, change order status, and reship the item, spitting out additional emails to customer.

d. if i provide a volume customer an estimated freight charge and bill the customer accurate freight how do I edit the shipping charges on the individual package.

perhaps what makes sense is that the data on the screen is editable by the user without having to rely on a DBA to go in and manually edit the info or a custom developer to modify the system to allow you to edit a field.

Scott Mech
#4 Posted : 18 years ago

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a) it makes no sense to ship a negative number, simply delete the package. If you shipped two packages with one of item a in each, and then shipped -1 of item a then how would we know which package to take it out of? Granted, we do need some code to keep people from trying to ship a negative number of items, but just putting in -1 and expecting it to just take it out of the correct package doesn't make sense.

b) Delete the package and reship. In this instance the wrong tracking number would have been sent to the customer, and so by deleting the package and reshipping it, and new e-mail will be sent to the customer with their new tracking information.

c) You ship a package after you have the tracking number. Since an e-mail is sent when the package was shipped, then why would you want to set a package as shipped without a tracking number on it?

d) In sp2 we are looking at adding a feature to allow the admin to edit the shipping charges, but for now, you can use the admin discounts field in order to edit the order total.

Scott, do you honestly feel that the comment at the end of your post is helping anyone? We know that our product is not going to operate in exactly the way that 100% of our users expect, but comments like this are just pointless. I am trying to help you and I would appreciate the same level of respect that we afford you.
Justin Etheredge
Senior Software Engineer
#5 Posted : 18 years ago

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a. do you propose a different method to "unship" an item? am I overlooking how to "unship" an item? there is need to unship an item. consider you have qty 10, and you ship 8, but mistakenly enter that you shipped 10.

b. if I delete the package, I lose the data associated with the package. if I learned of the miskey 10 days after shipment, and deleted the package and reshipped, the packages shipdate would not be accurate. if customer calls in and asks when item shipped, I will have inaccurate info.

c. I do not know how to express this any better, but I will try. If I box up a package in my warehouse - I want to mark it shipped. Then I send employee with package to the counter at post office. employee returns with tracking number and enters it in system. It is possible that employee may run to the post office at end of day and return the next day with the tracking number. The tracking number may take a day or two to be entered in the system. If I do not mark the package "shipped" when it is boxed up, the order may end up double shipped. Most likely track that the order has shipped at the point that they tape up the box. There is no method to track where the package goes from this point.

d. i would expect that editing shipping charges is a necessity for many merchants. thank you for addressing the need.

Justin, I believe that my post, in its entirety, contains significant value. and yes, I believe that my comment is very applicable. The user sees the data on their screen and they cannot edit the data. As far as approach, I do not believe that deleting the data and creating new data is the best approach. I have no concern if this is a new product, a competing product, or an upgrade product. As a merchant, the need exists to edit a package. The need exists to edit shipping charges. In fact, to meet the needs of the broadest range of users, it would reasonable to make pretty much everything that you can view in the admin editable. With that in mind, data should NOT need to be deleted or destroyed in order to make a change to a subset of the data.

Perhaps the reactionary, combative, and defensive posts need to stop. I would say that there are a great number of customers in this community that are providing you feedback that you can use to build a better product. If this is not your concern, fine. As far as respect, I am YOUR customer. You are not MY customer. Don't lecture me on respect. My opinion is that you should listen to and acknowledge your customers and their needs. Your customers are being more than generous to share their needs with you. Your customers are being more than patient while you work to address their needs.

Scott Mech
#6 Posted : 18 years ago

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a. deleting a package unships the items.

b. I see you point, but in the end I think that this issue is a very minor one. We will look into the ability to edit a tracking number on a package, but there are other suggestions/fixes that will take precedence over this.

c. Once you mark a package as shipped, the e-mails go out. I would recommend marking your items as shipped after the employee returns from shipping the items and has tracking numbers. I'm sorry that this does not fit into the exact way that you process orders, but at this point how would you recommend us handling it? If you ship the item and then come back later and add a tracking number then do you propose that we send another e-mail to the customer? One without the tracking number and one with the tracking number?

d. Glad to help.

I believe your post contains value as well, but the way in which put your point across helps no one. I treat you with respect and we get posts from you with no details and statements like "this is totally unusable." Then how come there are a lot of people out there right now using this product without reporting these issues? You have a specific issue with a feature of our product that does not work exactly the way you want it to and you act like our product is trash. We have thousands of customers, many of which give us feedback, and we try to listen to and prioritize all of it.

And as far as respect goes, this is our public forum. If you ran into Wal-mart and started yelling at a cashier that Wal-mart was horrible and that they screwed everything up they would probably help you the first time. After the third, fourth, fifth time, they would start escorting you out. All we ask is that feedback is provided in a civilized, respectful way and we promise to respond in kind.
Justin Etheredge
Senior Software Engineer
#7 Posted : 18 years ago

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Joined: 7/31/2006(UTC)
Posts: 37

I too find that the shipping module is lacking.

I don't understand why BV seems to be telling us that it isn't the right way to run our business.

I often have to redirect or have (by fedex etc) my products rebardcoded due to customs problems. When this happens I would prefer to be able to edit the tracking information without deleting the original shipment. I prefer for the original shipment to stay for auditing purposes alone.

I also want the package marked as shipped when they leave my wearhouse regardless of when the tracking number becomes available. I often use local couriers to deliver my packages to the final shipping company and I receive the tracking number a few days later. Am I supposed to let the customer beleive that the package has not shipped. No. I need to mark it as shipped. Leave it up to the merchant to "re-send" the shipping email or they could create their own manual template that advises the customer of their updated tracking information.

As for admin editable data there are already a few other posts around that have made it very clear that users want the ability to edit orders in all aspects from the admin. The fact that BV is getting defensive about this upsets me when it is clear that many of us want this feature, but BV keeps passing off "alternate" methods like using admin discounts to modify product prices (by the way using the admin discount the tax is not calculated on the discount and makes it completely useless). Please take head and let us know when and if these features will be available. There way absolutely nothing unrespectfull in Scotts post. He offered a suggestion that many have asked for. Thats all.
#8 Posted : 18 years ago

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We are looking into how we can change this feature to make it more usable for our customers, but at this point in the bvc5 forums we have only had Scott and you report an issue with this. I am sorry that the functionality does not work the way that you want it to, but we also have to prioritize fixes for features like this.

I am also sorry that you feel we are being defensive, but we were merely trying to explain the way in which we had designed the feature to be used. But again, we will evaluate the feature to see if there are ways in which we could make it more user friendly.
Justin Etheredge
Senior Software Engineer
#9 Posted : 18 years ago

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Joined: 8/17/2006(UTC)
Posts: 681


Maybe a way to solve the shipping problem (this is the way I do it):
1. Define two extra order states (Options->Orders->Edit Order Statuses)
1.1. Can be shipped
1.2. Ready for Shipping
2. When you get an order if you know you can fullfill and the payment is allright it you mark it to "Can be shipped". This means the warehouse guys can pack it.
3. Once the order is packed and "at the door" ready to be shipped, you mark the order as "Ready for shipping".
4. Once the delivery guy gets back from the post office you mark the orders as Shipped and set the tracking numbers.

This is quite nice because you can control exactly the state of the order. I only print invoices and pack for orders that are marked as "Can be shipped'. You could also create a new state in between "Preparing shipping" that the delivery guy that picks the order to pack will have to set for the order so you know it's beeing processed.

Before I get the orders in the boot of my car I set a filter on "Ready for shipping" and verify the number of packages with the number of orders on the screen. It happend several times that we packaged one order less than expected.


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#10 Posted : 18 years ago

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Corneliu, while I appreciate your suggestion, the best and most flexible solution would be to allow editing of the information stored in the database. To delete data and force recreate while not allowing edit seems like a poor design to me. once the package is in the database, it should be persisted. you should not have to delete a package to add/edit a tracking number.

when bvc2004 was initially released, some of the first things we modified in regards to warehouse functionality, included adding the ability to add packages, more validation and idiot proofing of the ship items screen, extending the tracking number area to support additional carriers, and the ability to print shipping labels out of standard UPS label printer.

Scott Mech
#11 Posted : 18 years ago

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Let me see if I can add a little more fuel to the fire. Or at least some things you should consider in the operation of your own business. There are Rules on how you should operate your business and BV doesn't make them. They are call Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP).

These are all pretty complicated even for the Bean Counters. But there is one simplistic method you can apply to see if you have the proper controls in place or if those controls can be circumvented.

Ask your self these questions: Can I or one of my employees circumvent the system to steal from the business or overstate or understate the income? In other words, can someone skim from our internet cash drawer?

As I see it, if I can get into your business and Ship 3 Stereos out, (2 to my brother in a different state and one to the customer) and erase or edit out all evidence of the first 2 including the tracking numbers, you got a problem. 80% of the people will steal from you if they think they can get away with it.

Everyone makes mistakes and you should be able to edit the order, but (after it is posted) you want an audit trail. If for no other reason, the IRS is going to be looking for it when they do an audit. If you have a sizable business, the IRS will bring in their own computer geeks to test your software to see if it can be circumvented on that audit.

I think Corneliu has the right approach. Add some other order states and maybe some other error handling email templates so the integrity of the software is not compromised.

Bob Noble

It's Christmas. Everyone is suppose to be grouchy this time of year. lol
#12 Posted : 18 years ago

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Posts: 681

Just to add to this discussion: I would like to able to set the Tracking Number on the order and save the order clicking on "Ship Items" so without triggering the Order to be closed and emails sent to customers.
At a later date I can go back to the Shipping page and Click on Ship Items without having to reenter the Tracking Number.
The reason for this is that we now use a pre-paid courier service so we stick some prepaid labels on the parcels when we pack them and one, two days later the courier comes and picks them up and delivers them.
I want to enter the Tracking No when I pack the order and put the label on the parcel and click on Ship Items when the courier actually picked up the parcels.
I know it can be done quite easly by small changes to the code and I really hope you could get this in SP2.


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