Originally Posted by: "k96816"
At this point for this year, we just want a BVC5 Google Checkout that works with custom shipping methods (not default) --- we are willing to compromise temporarily and can accept reduced shipping methods. Has anyone done this? Is there anyone that has a working example? Andy, if your shipping product solves this Google Checkout problem and you have a working example please state so --- I'll definitely be calling you!
I don't yet accept Google Checkout on my live site, so I can not write from "real" experience. However, I have
setup Google Checkout in BVC5 using the sandbox (Google's test version of Checkout) with success. And I have completely dozens of test orders. When I first set it up there were many notification errors, but once I configured everything correctly, the errors stopped.
BV Software's documentation covers the
Google Checkout configuration thoroughly. However,
<LI>Your API callback URL must use SSL (BV's documentation shows
http, but you must use
<LI>I don't think you need to check the digital signature option. I never have and I don't think the digital signature is verified.
<LI>Test your API callback URL by loading the page in a new browser session. You should see an error message about
a missing root node because you are not passing in a valid notification, but you must not be prompted for a username and password, and the page must not be redirected--even when an error occurs.
* Your SSL certificate must be issued by a Certificate Authority
accepted by Google Checkout.
One of the most vexing issues when you use Google Checkout arises when you use custom shipping methods. Remember that BVC5 does not know the shipping address when control is handed over to Google (this is true for every vendor that implements Google Checkout). Custom shipping methods almost always depend on the shipping address in some way, which means that the default shipping costs that are sent are almost always very wrong.
After the customer enters or selects their shipping address, Google will "call" your server with the real shipping address and ask for the custom shipping method costs. Your server has less than 3 seconds to respond (Google's server will wait a total of 3 seconds, but that includes the time it takes for the message to travel from Google's server to yours and back again). If your server needs to contact a carrier to retrieve real-time rate quotes, then it will almost certainly fail to respond to Google within the alloted time. That means your customers will often see the default shipping costs (which were probably not very accurate).
BVC5 is not creating this problem. This problem is being faced by every ecommerce vendor that implements Google Checkout. Google is making changes to Checkout to help deal with this, but they are not very effective as of yet.
I think the most effective way to deal with this issue today is limiting the number of shipping options that you present in Google Checkout. If you want the most reliable Google Checkout experience possible, then I recommend you do not offer any shipping option that depends on real-time carrier quotes.
My shipping rate providers for BVC5 include a checkbox so you can decide whether to show them in Google Checkout or not. That means you can have one set of shipping options for BVC5 Checkout and a different set for Google Checkout.