You need to find 'CategoryBreadCrumbTrail.ascx.vb' under Controls file in BVModules. Then find the following code(it stars line77 in my file, dont
know if it is the same line number in your version of BV):
Dim m As New HyperLink
m.CssClass = "home"
m.ToolTip = Content.SiteTerms.GetTerm("Home")
m.Text = Content.SiteTerms.GetTerm("Home")
m.NavigateUrl = Me.Page.ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx")
m.EnableViewState = False
Me.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<span class=""spacer"">" & _Spacer & "</span>"))
Now see that "~/Default.aspx" ın the middle? You can just remove 'Default.aspx' from there and leave '~/' the same. DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING ELSE
or you will suffer as I did. lol... Once you run the webpage
after you make the change, you will see breadcrumbs will not show Default.aspx but will show 'www.mysite.com/' only. Or you can change it to an
absolute link like I did. I removed '~/Default.aspx' and changed it to 'http://www.mysite.com/'. It is working properly for me. I think making it absolute is better. Just my opinion.
Relative and absolute linking work the same way.
I also changed my breadcrumbs trail 'home' link with an anchor text for my niche word. You can do that
under Options/Site Terms to something like 'my niche word home'. This will help pointing all home page links with your niche word.
This is a very small change though, don't expect getting ranked for your niche word right away but will help in the long run. Hope this helps.
Here is a well-known article to start understanding about PageRank
http://www.webworkshop.net/pagerank.htmlIt gives an insight on PageRank. As you start reading it, you will get familiar with SEO and PageRank. There are much better resources online
for PageRank but I think this article will explain what it is in essence.