First, go to the MyAccount_WishList.aspx page and copy the entire <asp:GridView> control and all of its contents (it starts around line 22 and goes to about line 56). Paste this code on whatever .aspx page you want to display the wish list. You may also need to copy/paste this line of code to the top of your new .aspx page:
Code:<%@ Register Assembly="Anthem" Namespace="Anthem" TagPrefix="anthem" %>
Next, and this is a little more tricky, you will need to copy/paste a significant portion of the code-behind file (MyAccount_WishList.aspx.vb) to the code-behind file of your new page. Basically you will need to copy/past the following code elements:
1. BindItems sub
2. GridView1_RowCommand sub
3. GridView1_RowDeleting sub
4. GridView1_RowDataBound sub
5. GridView1_RowUpdating sub
6. ForceNoShoppingCartRedirection property
7. AddToCartImageButton declaration
8. AddToCartClicked event
Lastly, you will need to add this code to the Page_Load method of your new page:
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If