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#1 Posted : 17 years ago

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I'd like to see what shoppers look at but don't buy, regardless of whether they make a shopping cart or not.
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#2 Posted : 17 years ago

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You can use Google Analytics :)

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#3 Posted : 17 years ago

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I'd like to see it done 'in house'. More and more small businesses are entering the market - kitchen table admins without the expertise nor the time to deal with adding code to a page. For some, an Excel spreadsheet is over their heads. ebay is on it's way out in favor of easy to use carts. Many merchants are finding that thier own cart-site is cheaper to run.

The cart that has the fewest hassles with the fewest hotfixes and the most admin-friendly features will sell best.

Should be a simple matter of getting a list of product pages from your host and then listing the products and the # of times they were looked at by shoppers.

Have a look:

WebSphere Commerce Analyzer business analysis reports
Business analysis reports contain information about products displayed and sold, and customer loyalty. This category includes the following reports:

Products looked at least
Products looked at most
Products added to shopping cart least
Products added to the shopping cart most
Products looked at by a single user
Products looked at by age
Products looked at by income
Products looked at by marital status
Products looked at by gender
Most loyal customers
Loyal customer product
Browser buyer conversion ratio
Cross-sell Up-sell

There is a way to do this.....
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#4 Posted : 17 years ago

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Sounds like you want Sandshot here! :-)
#5 Posted : 17 years ago

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Sandshot, Wallace, Angela, Stokes, Quickslip.... If each provided 4 modules for BVC6, it could be out in 6 months.
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#6 Posted : 17 years ago

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What's the starting price of the IBM Commerce Solution?
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

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#7 Posted : 17 years ago

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What it costs to get it in another product isn't the point. Power windows are offered in Toyota Carola's as well as Mercedes Benz's.

This is a simple batabase inquiry. I had this on my SF6 store. It cost $350.00 to have the add-on made for me and it was done in four days (it took 7 hours programming time), and worked very well.

The IBM model is not possible cause we don't survey gender, etc., nor do I need this.

In my add-on I had:

Products looked at least
Products looked at most
Products added to shopping cart least (didn't get this one, but wanted it)
Products added to the shopping cart most (didn't get this one, but wanted it)
Browser buyer conversion ratio
Cross-sell Up-sell ratio sales success
Product sale by geographic region (zip code)

Not hard, we just need to have enough merchants to want it to get it made. Likely the host will need to add a module to hold these for access. I'm assuming my SF host did.
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#8 Posted : 17 years ago

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Tap your host for your stats as certain items are covered. Google Analytics takes care of a few of them.

Enhancing the current Reports is doable by a skilled developer.

I just point out that the last time I checked on IBM commerce it was a starting point of $20k. So while you're request is extremely valid, and supported by others (myself included), I just think the expectation levels of BV is extremely high considering the price range.

If it's a simple DB query... let's see if there are any takers...
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

http://www.martellhardware.com/ - Decorative & Builder's Hardware

#9 Posted : 17 years ago

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You don't ask.... you don't get. < shrug >
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#10 Posted : 17 years ago

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I've written this kind of feature into another product I developed. Each time the SP is run to pull product info a tally is increased by one. Each time a contact email is sent from the details page a different tally is increased by one. Each time someone adds an item to their favorites list another tally is increased by one. Then when the dealership administrator looks at their items they can quickly see how much activity an item has had. People who find it useful are the ones who don't want to look at full stats. It is an easy change to implement.
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#11 Posted : 17 years ago

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Define the exact reports including the columns you need and a price you are willing to offer for this and I'll do it for you. I'll publish my new plugin for image management & watermarks these days and then I'll jump and implement this one for you.

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#12 Posted : 17 years ago

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C. I'll pay the first $300.00 if you'll make it available to everyone else for $100.00 a pop. Figure a list of reasonable possibilities and we'll format the output. I'd like to get some design help/input here for a few days.

If you drop this into the already existing Reports tab, it'd be great to be able to see the following by day, month, year...etc. as Sales by Product is set so changes in marketing can be studied.

Products looked at least (should be dropped from the catalog if a PITA to deal with too)

Products looked at most - average views per day.

Products looked at most - which page/category? What page was the item on when it was selected to be viewed on it's product page? Tennis ball page, gifts page, balls as a tennis racket accessory? Where did I grab the shopper's att'n best... maybe as a CrossSell?

Products added to shopping cart least ( including all the zero items so they can be kept in mind)

DOM - a big one. Days on Market, you need this for average sales/day/mo/yr for any one product. I can't beleive this isn't in every cart by now right on the product edit page. So important it has it's own acronym.

Average sales per day/mo/yr for any one product. (I'll bet nobody knows this without guessing!) You need this to assess marketing.

Products added to the shopping cart most / sold / not sold (ratio of failed sales)

Product quiried for shipping costs most without selling - is shipping not calculating correctly on this item? I found one product via a shoper's phone call to check - it was set up wrong and shipping was $50.00 too high. I fixed the shipping cost and it's selling again.

Percentage of 'Products looked at most' that actually sold (maybe a bd 'off-site' numbers massage)

Cross-sell Up-sell data. (This will be hard. If a product is shown as a CrossSell, is it's placement effective. I'd like to know if tennis balls shown on the football page as a CrossSell, sell better than tenis balls shown on the 'Gifts for athletes' page. Tracking a shopper/products with this level of attention might not be possible)

Per-product choices. (ie: T-shirt SKU 003, blue 14%, red 26% .....) This will be a tough one to format. Perhaps you could save this for V.2!!

Ratio of wish listed products that die/wish listed products that sell.

Products that get wish listed most/least and from what category did they get 'listed'.

Most often seen category (I don't make dining room / kitchen tables but 'tables' is the most searched term in my store. This is telling me something. So is the fact that someone searched for Betty Boop.)

I'm not a bd guru, but I'm sure it'd be vital to make the data downloadable to a database (Excel, Access (anyone still use that?) or sim)... coma delim., etc. I haven't been near a 'real' marketing bd in 15 years. What's everyone using these days?

You get where I'm going with this, right everybody? So far we can show pretty pictures and calculate prices and shipping - 100 other carts do the same thing...... Yawn. Let's see if we can boost the results that are coming from our efforts and boost sales of the old maids. We can do better than just plopping stuff on the screen. I've got a pretty limited store, but if you've got 500 to 2k products or more and spend thousands per year on marketing and advertizing, I don't see how you can do without this kind of information in downloadable/printable form.

Andy's incredible efforts in the shipping department can be a model for what's possible.

This list can get longer.... before it gets paired down to a reasonable wish-list.

Thanks, Corneliu.
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#13 Posted : 17 years ago

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Hi Mitch,
I'll look into these and come back with more questions mostly around the way you want to see the reports.
Meanwhile can you please explain DOM?

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#14 Posted : 17 years ago

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When marketing and the web collide we get all sorts of acronymic hell. On the web, DOM is the oh-so-important Document Object Model.

When it comes to ecommerce, I'd call 'Days On Market' something else, because it's much more specific to real estate, and I don't think it really pertains to products unless it's a new product on the marketplace, not just one added to your store.

You basically just need to know how long the product has been available for purchase on your store so you can calculate the averages for that product and compare to the rest. Call it, I dunno, Time Available?
#15 Posted : 17 years ago

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Cliff hit it on the head. I'm a real estate guy... Make my real money in comm'l R.E. (not an agent, I buy/sell my own)

DOM or DA (Days Available - or Active) ....Careful... for seasonal items that stay on the site, but are not active all year.... Ratios for sales/day for these products would be useless if non-active days were factored into the mix.

No offense Corneliu, but your question proves that computer types don't read in complete sentences. <grin>
Optimists invent airplanes,
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#16 Posted : 17 years ago

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Here is a first preview of the stats plugin:
I'm not sure if views / day are relevant for a product but I'll do that as well.

Check out the very last graph: View versus 'In Cart' versus 'Purchased'. 'In Cart' does not include the ones that turned into a purchase.

I might try to add there 'In Wishlist'

If there are volunters I'd like to get the beta of the module installed on several servers to collect live data for testing.



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#17 Posted : 17 years ago

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Hey C, i'm about a week or two away from launching a build. i'd like to test this for you. what's it entail to install? is the 1 or 2 week delay counterproductive to your development?
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

http://www.martellhardware.com/ - Decorative & Builder's Hardware

#18 Posted : 17 years ago

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WOW! -

Now, as a store owner, I'd look at the top chart and wonder why the Orange Booster isn't getting as many views as the Khaki Booster. I'd then go and see that it isn't showing up on the category page, or the description is missing or that the price is off a decimal point. I might otherwise let an Ooops like that go for months....

As the manufacturer, I'd see that for some reason the Khaki and Orange Boosters aren't attracting the same level of interest. Sales aren't even and page views are different. Something to fix now that we can see what the shopper is or isn't doing.

The data needs to be exportable (Excel format at the push of a button) for year to year comparisons and for working with manufacturers. Nothing gets a CEO's attention like a graph that shows a product failing in the marketplace, and a screen shot of a graph won't do it.

We'll need a 'By (manufacturer, type, category) sort'. There are stores with 1,000's of products and as sure as I'm sitting here, there will be a chart with 250 items all at 5 or 6 views going on for pages and pages. Singling out 'Bunnies', or a product type will make it possible to see all of the 'Bunnies Bosters' without having to look at all of the 'Strategy' games too.

Periodic sales and or coupons need to be added, but I think this could be done manually if it's a headache to track all of this down. This can be done ideally in Excel (or sim.).

Keep it going.
Optimists invent airplanes,
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