Originally Posted by: "JP3" 
If you tweak the inertial dampers & modulate the atomic decoder you'll get less of the BAM when teleporting...
You see John, it's the constant product improvements that make it fun working you.
I just spit coffee all over my screen - that was a good one!
In this case it was all about the page loads per customer (primarily the redundant trips back and forth from the cart) that was adding a lot of overhead. The customer averages 10 items in their cart so the server and customer was dealing with an average 30 more page loads than needed.
Matt, Andy - Good points as always.
Most of the studies I read (and a lot of internal research) shows that we are not dealing with a "new-to-ecomm" customer nearly as much as we were years ago. It looks like about 1 in 7,000-8,000 are a "first time ecommerce shopper". So rules we follow now are a lot more age demographic centric, than newbie centric when it comes to usability and flow.
With this in mind, customers (most) understand that when you put things in your cart, that is what happens and when you want to get out of there you find/hit the checkout button. I think a mini-cart control is useful and as always, good core navigation - and if you are skipping the trip to the cart page on product add, leave some visual indicator that it was added to your cart.
So far, all indications on this store is sales and carts are up and the server is running about 30% less on the resources. The time per session is way down, so that is clearly something that has changed. It will be another couple months to really see the big picture but so far it looks like a really good change for this store.