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Joined: 6/28/2008(UTC) Posts: 10
Hello all, I'm currently encountering a very generic paypal error in my BVC (5.3.2) store on checkout: "An error occurred while trying to checkout through Paypal. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support." My cart is currently located here: http://ccv-products.com.mytempweb.com/I have already inserted the Paypal API signature code into the Options > Payment > Paypal Express section. Is this a BVC bug or have I missed something on the Paypal account side? I would greatly appreciate if someone could run a quick test on the site and/or share their experience/expertise to shed some light on this issue. Thanks for all your help. Best regards, Rob
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Joined: 2/21/2007(UTC) Posts: 1,113
Does paypal allow the subweb and do you have it set up correctly there? What doe you event log say at the time of the error? |
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Joined: 6/28/2008(UTC) Posts: 10
I've been getting 2 similar errors: Paypal error number: 10472 Paypal Error: Paypal Error: 'Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.' Message: 'CancelURL is invalid.' Values passed to SetExpressCheckout: Total=$159.90 Cart Return Url: BVModules/Checkouts/Paypal Express Checkout/Checkout.aspx Cart Cancel Url: checkout/checkout.aspx
Paypal error number: 10471 Paypal Error: Paypal Error: 'Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.' Message: 'ReturnURL is invalid.' Values passed to SetExpressCheckout: Total=$159.90 Cart Return Url: BVModules/Checkouts/Paypal Express Checkout/Checkout.aspx Cart Cancel Url: checkout/checkout.aspx
By the way, what do you mean by "Does paypal allow the subweb"? I don't understand.
Hey, do you know if not having configured Options > Mail Server properly could be related to the error?
I know it's a lot to look at, but if anyone else has encountered something similar or is experienced, I'm open to any suggestions/potential solutions. Thanks again.
Best regards,
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Joined: 11/9/2008(UTC) Posts: 17
I have the same problem ... it is working fine if i select a country without state/zip, else I have got the same errors in my event log. It is urgent .. please help ASAP.
Thanx alot.
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Joined: 11/9/2008(UTC) Posts: 17
By the way .. I am using BV Commerce 5.4, I have tried what is written here: http://forums.bvcommerce...f=88&m=52635&r=xbut without any results.
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Joined: 6/30/2009(UTC) Posts: 4
Hi, I'm using bv Commerce toolkit 5.5. I'm having problem with Paypal payment option. I got this error message "An error occurred while trying to checkout through Paypal. Please try again. If the problem persists, please contact technical support." In event logs I got this message "Paypal Error: 'Security error' Message: 'Security header is not valid' Values passed to SetExpressCheckout: Total=$0.00 Cart Return Url: http://cyclingcloseouts....Modules/Checkouts/Paypal Express Checkout/Checkout.aspx Cart Cancel Url: ". Finally making the cart empty. Need help to fix this. Please let me know if any one encountered same kind of problem. Thanks
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Fill out the contact form at bvsoftware.com for technical support.
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Joined: 10/24/2007(UTC) Posts: 10
I had the 'Security error' Message: 'Security header is not valid' problem twice.
The first time was because I had the wrong username and password details set in Admin | Options | PayPal Express Options. Once I had these set to my API login details for my test PayPal developer account, the Signature set to the signature I had generated on the PayPal developer site, and the Paypal Mode radio button set to 'Test', the error message disappeared and the PayPal integration worked fine.
The second time was because I had used the login details and the Signature I had generated from our live PayPal business account, but had set the Paypal Mode radio button to 'Test' mode. I left the login and Signature details unchanged and set the Paypal Mode radio button to 'Production'. Once I did this, the error message disappeared and the PayPal integration worked fine.
Hope this helps if you haven't already found a solution.
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