BV Commerce 5.8 FedEx Patch
May 2012
This patch updates BV Commerce 5.8 to support the latest FedEx web services. The older services will cease to function on May 31st, 2012.
We are providing this patch as an in-place upgrade option. It replaces the existing FedEx module but does not overwrite any other part of the software and should let your store continue to function (even if you've customized it.)
Installation Instructions
1) Copy the 3 files from the "To Bin Folder" folder to the /bin folder of your web site
2) Copy the 2 files from the "To BVModules-Shipping-Fedex Folder" folder to /BVModules/Shipping/Fedex folder of your web site
3) Go to Options->Shipping and either create a new FedEx shipping method or edit and existing one
4) Follow the link under Global Settings to register for a new FedEx Key and Password and Meter Number
5) Enter the Key, Password, Account and Meter Numbers in the global settings and save your changes.
NOTE: Updated Jun 21, 2012 with correction for Ground Home Delivery Residential Issue
Edited by user Monday, July 13, 2020 10:20:31 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
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