I've posted this question before on the forum and to my surprise I received nothing in regards to a reply on this and am surprsed no one else has questions like mine.
So here goes:
I am recreating a fully functional form once used in BV4 RetrunForm.aspx and .aspx.vb pages into BV5 ReturnForm.aspx and .aspx.vb pages. Basically trying to mirror everything in BV4 in regards to this form as it was fully functional.
I have successfully created the design part of the form; however it is not functional.
In the BV4 ReturnForm.aspx page I have this Directive in which I have put into BV5 form ReturnForm.aspx page:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc1" Namespace="BVSoftware.WebControls" Assembly="BVSoftware.WebControls.Library1" %>
My question for the above directive is this: "Is my namespace incorrect and assembly incorrect? As this was the way it was in the BV4 ReturnForm.aspx. I am thinking it should be different in BV5, that perhaps it is named differently in BV5?"
I believe this is why i receive a Parser error that cannot find the file specified or the assembly for this directive when i put it in my BV5 form page.
Is this true? Or is it something entirely different?
Also the next thing I am having a problem with is getting the BV4 ReturnForm.aspx.vb(see attached word file.) code to work in my BV5 ReturnForm.aspx.vb page(see attached word file.)
Hopefully all I have explained is clear. I am basically trying to get a fully functional RMA form's code that was successfully used in BV4 to function the same way in BV5.
If anyone can help with this or willing to do a little phone support on this I could either explain better through a phone walkthrough or Instant Message Walkthrough.
thanks to all in the forum.
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