I have installed BV Commerce 5 Site Manager on a Machine running Windows 2003 Server.
The Site Manager installed fine.
I then ran the Site Manager and received an error (see .jpg attachment. and .txt attachment.)
Why is this happening?
Has anyone on this forum set up a site using BV 5 Site manager tool on Windows 2003 Server who could help me solve this problem?
I would greatly appreciate any insight and help to get this running on this O.S.
Basically I am trying to install a new site on windows 2003 server machine.
I am also trying to config the BV Commerce 5 Site manager's SQL Server Connection Form Fields to connect to a SQL 2000 Enterprise Database or SQL Server 2005 Express Database on a remote machine.
Is this possible?
*ADDENDUM*: I've read BV5 Documentation, and I know you can run BVC5 on Windows 2003 Server with SQL 2005/ 2005 express. Maybe this is why I get the error message I attached? Because I have not installed this? If so, is there any way to connect to a remote SQL Enterprise server or SQL Express 2005 server? I think this is what I am trying to do.
Thanks again for any who can help.
*ADDENDUM*: I do not know if the above is clear; Can anyone provide help with this? I really need to move my local computers development store to an actual live site with windows 2003 server and Connect Remote to SQL Server 2005 Express.
Thanks again for any who can help.
*ADDENDUM*: never mind I figured this out. :mad: Dan
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