While this topic is probably beyond the scope of this forum, I want to add that not all browsers display all things at the same size, text, input fields, and more. I also want to say that its easy to blame the browse -- I sure have in the past -- but this won't change the fact that you have customers out there using browser x [IE6 or otherwise]. My opinion is that the rendered output and style should deliver a good customer experience regardless of the browser used.
Tim Berners Lee said...
"Anyone who slaps a 'this page is best viewed with Browser X' label on a Web page appears to be yearning for the bad old days, before the Web, when you had very little chance of reading a document written on another computer, another word processor, or another network."
Tim Berners-Lee
Technology Review, July 1996
Rudy, your text doesn't appear to resize for me in IE7 and there are probably other cross-browser problems beyond just text-resize that you would probably want to address if they were visible to you. I attached a couple of screen shots to this reply, but I do not have time this morning to take additional snapshots.
Mitch, a well designed style sheet can go a long ways towards this. Using ems instead of px will better allow for this across browsers. No matter what anyone says, what matters most is that your customers are delivered the best possible experience.
Adaptive rendering is another thing to contend with. It is possible (and highly likely) that the actual rendered html will differ between browser devices. Try validating the markup of your home page at
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