Originally Posted by: "Marcus" 
Mitch, your first post sounded like the pain was in the speed of page loads. Your second post sounds like you're looking for reporting/performance information on products instead. Can you clarify what you're trying to accomplish when you get frustrated with product editing?
Marcus, this is easy to understand - here's what you need to do. Spend an afternoon building 10 products from scratch, each with 3 non-shared choices and one price modifier, 4 cross sells, and a few with volume discounts and inventory controls and 2 add'l images each.
Now that you've done this, pretend you've had a change of suppliers and go back and remove one of the cross sells, change half of the prices $2.00 up and half $1.00 down, add $1.00 shipping fee, change an inventory parameter on a few of them. I guarantee, you'll understand what the problem is. You'll lose count of the 100's of page loads.
Editing and error checking should and could be so much easier with far fewer page loads.
If I want to see the basics - price, sku, shipping, URL rewriting the first page is fine. Main product page load, 2 seconds.
Look at volume discounts, 2 more seconds - back to main page, 2 more seconds.
Check choices/modifiers, 2 more seconds - over to inventory page, 2 more seconds.
Look at up/cross sells, 2 more seconds - over to add'l images page, 2 more seconds.
Page load, after page load, after page load.... X 20, 30, 50, 100 products.... Way too much time clicking and waiting.
Products with many choices/modifiers will be a problem on the one-comprehensive-page.... show only the first 5 or 10. That takes care of the products with many choices. The choice/modifier page will still be the way to edit these.
I won't mind going to a page to edit something that'll take up a lot of space, add'l imgs for instance. I do mind leaving a page merely to look at that information when putting the thumbs on the page will do.
Don't get me started on the order page. Order paid by check???? 5 clicks!! Should be zero - How? Leave the information spaces for payment inputs at the bottom of the page IF P.O. or Check is the payment method. Once filled in, remove from the page to keep safe from prying eyes. For later review, click on "payment" to go to the payment page.