I called both Mastercard and Visa a few years back when we had some fraud. To my best recollection, they both stated that our best chances of winning against chargebacks from fraud would be to adhere to the following requirements:
1) Billing and Shipping must be the same as the credit card address
2) PCI Compliant
3) Must not charge the card before order ships (if order takes longer than 7 days you must clear the authorization and start a new authorization.)
4) All verification (CVV, AVS) must pass
5) Terms and conditions must be listed on site (not a popup window like BV currently)
6) Require a signature for delivery with all orders
I did a quick search and came across this from Visa:
http://usa.visa.com/down...ment_guide_ecommerce.pdfCheck out pages 46, 49, 64 and 99. I didn't see where they state you will lose against all chargebacks if the above criteria isnt met like they told me on the phone, but I did gain that meeting the criteria lessens your chance of risk and helps you win your case.
It is especially hard with us being B2B. I’m pretty sure a doctor would not want a whole bunch of exam tables get delivered to his home. The above PDF has some good guidelines to follow when all the above criteria cannot be met, but doesn’t guarantee you will win against a chargeback.