This add-on includes 6 product feeds and a Google sitemap generator. From the admin interface (see attached screen shots) you can see when the feed was last generated, change settings, generate new feeds, and FTP them. You can even map an affiliate to a feed (the affiliate ID is appended to the URL), so you can then track clicks from that feed.
We call it a 'feed engine' because you can easily create new feeds in very little time. All source code is provided and is easily modified for your specific needs, even with a basic understanding of programming. For example, it's easy to exclude certain products from a feed. We've used the feed engine for integrating with other services like T-Hub and MyBuys, where we not only needed a product feed but also a category, cross sell, and daily order feed.
Product FeedsThe following 6 product feeds are included:
*Google Base - includes product review information, maps Type Properties to Google Base fields and uses the remaining properties as Google Base custom fields
*Bing Shopping
*TheFind - includes product review information and 'hot or not' sales rank information
*Commission Junction
* and a 'generic' feed
Google sitemapIncludes all products, categories, custom pages, and the homepage; additional URLs can be included by adding them to a text file. You can even include your product images in the sitemap for use in Google's image search. As you can see from the attached screen shot you can set the default priority and change frequency. The category priority is set with decreasing priority based on how close it is to the homepage (e.g. homepage is 1.0, top-level categories are 0.9, second-level categories are 0.8, etc). Finally, you have the option of notifying Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask that your sitemap has been updated.
Pricing$299 per site
Email "info AT develisys DOT com" or call 1-866-674-4770 (ask for Aaron) for questions or to purchase.
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