Originally Posted by: "Andy"
(You can also create and email PDF files of any report or form.)
I've seen this type of function on some sites, can't recall where. Marcus had asked me a long time ago about
some of the things I'd like to see in future versions and I mentioned that I would love total control of the "Print This Page" button on product pages in that I could design a PDF Template with placeholders and the system would auto create a PDF when the button is clicked.
This way we could format the page exactly the way we'd want it:
1. Custom Logo, Contact Information, Home Page URL & Page Title in the header.
2. Exact positioning of Large Image
3. Exact Positioning of Pricing, remove choice dropdowns, position volume pricing (if used), etc..
4. Remove anything we don't want on there.
5. Exact Postioning of product descript
6. Footer would include the usual and more importantly give me the ability to add "Prices Subject To Change Without Notice" to the print out.
A drawback is the dependency of the user having Adobe Acrobat on their machine but I'm willing to bet that it's become a standard application on many machines or the system could load the PDF within a new browser window that is running acrobat on the server. (not sure if I'm correct that this is even possible... I thought I saw something like this on asp.net.)
Or the print out page is a dynamic file (Print Template via the dashboard) with place holders that renders a simple HTML page for the user to print. This doesn't do anything to solve the Header & Footer elements being printed though... LOL...