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Andy Miller
#21 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 4:46:07 AM(UTC)
Andy Miller

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Matt and Joe,

I've struggled with the same math. Some examples,

Shipping Rate Rule Providers for BVC5, hours to develop: ~500, copies sold: 30 @ $300 (the price changed over time), income: ~$18/hour
- Overbuilt for the market.

DHL Shipping Rate Providers for BVC5, hours to develop: 50, copies sold: 2 @ $200, income: ~$8/hour
- No hope of more sales at any price.

Canada Post Shipping Rate Provider for BVC5, hours to develop: 50, copies sold: 2 @ $200, income: ~$8/hour
- Raised the price after a year when I realized I would only sell a handful.

Shipper 1 for BVC2004 and BVC5, hours to develop: ~1000, copies sold: 10 @ $350, Income: ~$3.50/hour
- I don't know why the BV crowd ignored this product.

In other words, I make quite a bit less than a school bus driver from BV merchants.

That does not count the time I spend handing out free advice (I've posted a little over 2000 times to this forum and some of you know that I posted almost 10,000 times on another forum and newsgroup).

In general BV Commerce has not been a good market for me. I can only guess that the same is true for the few others, since I seem to be the only active add-on vendor left. If I could live on love alone, I'd be rich...BV merchants are very nice. But, like you, I have bills to pay and kids that want to go to college.

I want to say this in the most practical way I can think of--if you want choices, then you have to get out your wallet and pay for them. Probably more than you want to pay. The other outcome is no choice. No one can live on $8/hour in this country.
Andy Miller
Structured Solutions

Shipper 3 - High Velocity Shipment Processing
#22 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 9:15:52 AM(UTC)

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Andy, we feel your pain.

I've spent and continue to spend countless hours prototyping new products that sell in single digits, setting up re-sellers that eventually close their doors, creating categories and products that don't get visitors/buyers that they deserve... sweeping the floor, maintaining a shop full of tools, upgrading software, troubleshooting my store..... cultivating suppliers, chasing down wayward orders..... I'm sure I just spoke for the rest of us here.

As Marcus said recently - the 40 hour work week is a myth for most of us.

It's a numbers game no matter what you choose as a vocation. I'll assume you work at home. Consider that the hours you don't commute off-sets some of the hours spent dealing with this stuff.

If it makes you feel any better, your efforts help float our boats, and without you and a few others' help here and on the web in general, the ecommerce landscape would look entirely different and quite bleak for the small businessman. Imagine stores that weren't any more interesting or useful than ebay. There's some value in all of that, and unfortunately, that's part of the compensation package.
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#23 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 10:16:15 AM(UTC)

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I'm glad that we were able to contribute to 50% of your DHL Shipping Provider business! :)
Aaron Sherrick
BV Commerce
Toll-free 888-665-8637 - Int'l +1 717-220-0012
Ribbon Guy
#24 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 1:00:31 PM(UTC)
Ribbon Guy

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Thank you for sharing the examples. I think many of us non-developers have no idea the amount of time it takes to code the things we think we want or need.

I hope you have a day Job :)

#25 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 4:03:06 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: "Joe" Go to Quoted Post

(I think many of us non-developers have no idea the amount of time it takes to code the things we think we want or need.)
That's been the crux of my business since the beginning. An analogy:

When you put an addition on your house, you watch the walls get torn down, the plastic go up. The footers dug, reinforced and poured. The framing, the exterior, the subfloor, the electrical, the plumbing, the insulation, the drywall, the plaster, the paint, the tile, the hardwood, the finish, the trim.

All five senses are stimulated. You hear it, you smell it, you watch the progress, you taste the dust, you walk on it.

You don't see any of this on the web. Normally, all you see is the finished product.

Assuming the contractor isn't a moron, when you go to hang your flat screen in your new addition, you can place a tape measure to the corner and with confidence mark it 64" and know you're exact center on a stud. This because the footers are in the right spot, the framing in the right spot...etc..

You hit save on your product admin page and don't realize that 64 little actions are taking place behind to scene to save it. Because it happens in milliseconds, but all of it needs to be carefully planned, mapped, coordinated and synchronized exactly like a good addition is built.
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

http://www.martellhardware.com/ - Decorative &amp; Builder's Hardware

#26 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2009 10:37:20 PM(UTC)

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I couldnt agree more with Andy. The add-on stuff is really a pain. Its not worth the pain to develop an add-on. I only post an add-on if I have done it for some one already. But dont really do it just because I want to do it. :-)
support @ bayquel.net
Work: +1 803 883 3226
#27 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 6:09:56 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 29

But one does have to wonder why so many people develop so many plug-ins for something like Wordpress. Thousands of free plugins all for a free application. Or that other purple-color sounding open-source e-commerce platform.

I had hoped that moving to the BV5 platform with the advertised "plug-in" architecture and "themes" would have made it more Wordpress like. It doesn't seem to have. That's kind of a bummer.
#28 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 6:48:42 PM(UTC)

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I wish there were more plug-ins as well. BUT... One thing you have to realize comparing wordpress plug-ins to BV: many of wordpress's plug-ins are 3rd party "install at your own risk". Running an ecommerce site like BV, well, you really don't want to install plug-ins that are "at your own risk". Atleast I wouldnt want to lol... From a developer standpoint, if anyone can help: Wordpress PHP vs BV ASP.net? Any complications? Why can so many people create plug-ins for wordpress so quick and easily?

But i understand what you mean so I hope it's not perceived in a negative way. Not starting a forum war ;)
#29 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 8:07:24 PM(UTC)

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You guys are both right. I hijacked this puppy...LOL..

I'll call it like it is as long as everybody understands that this is business,

$99 does not go very far. $100 - $499 doesn't cut it either. Not when you compare the user base between BV and any venture funded company that is brought up as a comparison.
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

http://www.martellhardware.com/ - Decorative &amp; Builder's Hardware

#30 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 8:34:40 PM(UTC)

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Posts: 92

Having recently switched from another .NET e-commerce platform ("SF6"), we're finding that BV is so feature-rich that the majority of our client are happy with BVC5 out-of-the-box.

However, we would be happy to create some inexpensive modification or plug-ins for BVC5 users. What specific add-ons/plug-in is everyone looking to purchase?

Narrowpath Design
Providing installation, custom development, and design services for BVC5 sites.
24/7 tech support and consultation service available for .Net E-Commerce.
760.728.8679 (phone)
[email protected]
#31 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:10:27 PM(UTC)

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Oh boy there are so many... but there lies the problem. Each plug-in may be unique to only a few people. It just doesn't equal out. On top of that, we have to remember what we payed for and what we got. I think we are all just a bit spoiled with it (hint hint marcus) ;) If there are some more common things that can be low cost, make money for the developer and for the business owner, fire away!

I know earlier in this post i've tried to accomplish something close to this what you are looking for... but it doesn't answer your question and its not a plug-in. I know this can be done with some code changes though...
#32 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:29:04 PM(UTC)

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Narrowpath = Wallace right? Welcome to the BV community!

A good place to cruise is the feature enhancement and BV6 suggestions sections. Like bryan is hinting at, there have been many posts about plug-ins and some of them are introduced ootb. It's a tough gig but if you can nail it, keep us all posted... :)
Matt Martell

http://www.9balldesign.com - Web, Print, Graphic

http://www.martellhardware.com/ - Decorative &amp; Builder's Hardware

#33 Posted : Monday, April 20, 2009 9:36:16 PM(UTC)

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Hi, Wallace....

Before committing to anything too labor-intensive, check with Marcus. He's working on BVC6 and it'd be a shame to offer something that we'll get later on anyway. The BVC6 wish-list is a long one. Perhaps you could see what looks do-able and let us know.

These come to mind: (could be rolled into a robust "Merchants' Helper" mod)

A more informative orders page in admin (more columns across the top of the page).

Better Cross Sells control.. random, random within a category, weighted towards season, manufacturer, food group, etc. Also, a way to see what products are Cross-Sells on other products. Unless we look at each product in the store we're blind and my memory only goes back so far.

A "Season" tag on products for dynamic category placement (Valentines, X-Mas, etc. and cross sells placement above) This is not product type, this is a marketing tool.

Shared choices/modifiers - list of products which use the particular choice/modifier.

Wildcard order... Create a text described product while on the phone for one-off products or product edits where it'd be too time consuming to make a new product and SKU on the catalog.

Allow <this product> to be 'active' until <date> for short-run and seasonal items, in-season foods, etc. Fruitcake in July?

Separate emails for shopper/purchaser and recipient of the shipment. Order confirm to purchasing, cc email to receiving
cc gift email filled in by shopper. Gifts to far-off grandchildren f'rinstance.

Add to cart button grayed out until all required choices have been made - gets rid of "Field missing" notices. Simple, HUH? DUH. Perhaps admin selectable in the event one really needs to show a shopper the message and asterisk.

Below minimum order (Quant or $$) handling charge. This isn't in any way shape or form a volume discount.

Create date, latest modify date on products (a column on the product list page) to keep track of changes, easily spot the one that didn't get edited. (Not everything can be edited via bulk editor).

Access to a list of wish-listed products/users to tickle sales.

Automatic email notice to wish-listers when a list is aged X <time>. As-is, we're blind.

Volume discounts. I'll take this one ala carte:
Shared volume discount schemes with "% off" calculations. Just like modifiers, assignable to products. Placement to products via bulk edit a must. If this can't be done as an add-on to BVC5, do it for BVC6 and sell it to Marcus.

It's getting late....
Optimists invent airplanes,
Pessimists buy parachutes.
#34 Posted : Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:49:14 PM(UTC)

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How about:

1.E-check ability with Auth.net
2. Better control over inventory email
3. Rewards/point system
#35 Posted : Wednesday, April 22, 2009 5:56:23 PM(UTC)

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Andy -- to your point about Shipper and BV -- I think the built-in UPS shipping (though woefully inadequate) had most vendors just choose UPS and stick with it, even if they coudl have improved services and lowered costs by using FedEx or DHL -- I found there is no cost comparison between FE and UPS when you do any kind of volume, and when you do volume, you NEED Shipper. I think you should partner with FedEx and push your product with any number of Ecommerce platforms. BV+Shipper 3+ShipRush+FedEx is an unbeatable combination -- it's nice to have the USPS as well -- and I balked at Shipper 3, but nothing is easier.
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