Hi Nick,
Thank you for your quick reply and you perfectly answered my question!
Here is another few questions:
1) If you are logged in, and then add items to the shopping cart, you click "Checkout" and it seems that you get logged off, and need to login again. Is there something you can add to the workflow that says "If you are logged in, and proceed to checkout, goto "Step 1" of the checkout process.
2) I went ahead and registered as a new user after clicking checkout. By doing this, I was asked for my first and last name. On the next page where it is asking for Billing/Shipping Info, can the name be passed on to this page, so it is two less fields the customer has to fill in?
3) Can I remove from the login page for a new user, where it asks for First/Last Name?
4) Can I remove the "Username" field from the process, and use their email address as their "username" This seems to be redundant, when you can use their email address as their login address.
5) If you create a new user during checkout, and you use a username that is completely new, but you use an email address that someone else is using on their completely different account, you are brought back that other persons name/billing information. This is a bug right? Why would you bring someone elses confidential info?
6) If I am logged into my account and I try to add a new address, I get an error.
7) If I try going through the checkout, on "Step 1", if you click on "Address Book" it brings back the last user that I was logged in with, their address book info, and does not give me my options of what I have in my address book? But if you goto "Your Account", you do see your original "Bill/Ship To" addresses, and I also see the last persons information that I was logged in with also. So this is two problems, one is why am I getting the last persons info that was logged in. Second problem is why am I not seeing my original addresses in my "Address Book" in checkout.
8) Is there anything else that is "normal" to add to the workflow for a "regular" e-commerce checkout process?
I have just begun my QA for the product, but these are new possible bugs, that I am coming across. If they are not bugs, and I have to "check" off on a few things in the admin, please advise, but I believe they are bugs. But I am seeing a lot of errors in the "Event Log"
I look forward to your response.