BVC 5 - File Vault
The File Vault allows for easy manageability of all downloadable files.

The initial page of the file vault displays all files uploaded to the store. This
includes files uploaded via the vault and files uploaded via the product pages.
This page includes the files name, description and the number of products the file
is attached to.
You can use this screen to upload a new file or make a copy of an existing file.
The description field is used in place of the file name when displayed on the store.
This option gives you the ability to add a more descriptive name to the file.

Figure 2 displays the edit screen for a downloadable file. This screen allows you
to attach the file to a product, set the maximum allowable downloads and an available
time/expiration date. Once the file exceeds the maximum number of downloads or the
available time, the file will no longer be available for download.