BVC 5 - Policies
Policies are customizable blocks of content that appear on the store, primarily
in the "Your Account" and "Customer Service" pages.
All of the “Policies” that appear in Figure 1 will display under the “Your Account”
and “Customer Service” pages on the store with the exception of “Shipping Policy”.
The “Shipping Policy” will appear on the checkout page.
“System Policies” cannot be deleted. Use the “Edit” button to configure the content
on these pages.
As an example, we’ll edit the “Return Policy” that appears on the stores customer
service menu. Editing this item requires us to click the “edit” button corresponding
to the “Return Policy” column.
We can add new blocks of content that will appear on this page or edit existing
blocks of content. Blocks can be moved up or down to change the position of the
items on the page.
Click the “edit” button to configure the content.
Figure 3 above displays the block in edit mode. Like most text areas, this block
supports HTML and is currently using the “Markdown” WYSIWYG editor.
The store will handle displaying this content on the store.