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BVC 5 - Sales

Several sales options exist in BVC 5; Store Wide, By Product, By Category, and By Product Type.

The initial sales screen (pictured above) displays any existing sales along with the ability to create new sales.

Let’s discuss each option on this screen for existing sales:

Name – A descriptive name provided by the store admin upon creating the sale.

Start/End Date – The start and end date of the sale.

Details – The sale description automatically generated by BVC 5. This description will include a brief summary of the sale.

Creating a new Sale

Click the “new” button to create a new sale.

Sale Properties
Name The name field is the descriptive name for your sale.
Sale Type The Sale Type allows you to specify the scope of the sale.
Discount Type Seven discounting options exist. Each provides a percentage or whole dollar amount off the cost or price of the product. You can also set a “Fixed Price” amount (i.e. everything is $0.99)
Discount Amount Sets the discount amount. You can either use a dollar amount or percentage.
Start/End Date Sets the start and end date for the discount.
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