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BVC 5 - Inventory

Clicking the Inventory menu on the left side of the edit product page allows you to control inventory handling for the selected product.

Figure 1 above displays the inventory management screen for a product.

The first drop down list, “when this item is out of stock”, provides options for the product when it is out of stock.

“When this item is out of stock” Drop Down List
Remove Product From Store Removes the product from the store when the item has not available stock.
Leave on Store (Ignore Inventory) Disables inventory tracking for the product.
Show as Out of Stock (Allow Orders) Displays the product as “Out of Stock”, however will allow the customer to order.
Show as Out of Stock (Do not allow Orders) Displays the product as “Out of Stock”, however will not allow the customer to order.

The next area allows us to configure the inventory levels and adjust them accordingly. Let’s discuss each section in more detail.

Inventory Options
SKU Displays the SKU for the product.
Enabled Enables or disables inventory tracking.
Available Displays the amount of available stock minus the amount in the reserved column.
Buffer Once the available amount reaches the buffer amount, the product will be moved into an “out of stock” status.
Reserved Amount of inventory currently being held by current shopping carts and unshipped orders.

Users who remove the item from the shopping cart will increase the available amount.
For Sale Displays the amount of items available for sale on the store. This amount is the result of the available stock minus the buffer amount.

The last text box allows you to add, subtract or set the inventory level for the product.

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